One Organic Ionic Mineral Concentrate

Substitute for Antibiotics


Are We Facing an Antibiotic Apocalypse?
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without antibiotics? According to a recent article in Scientific American, we may be quickly facing a world where antibiotics are no longer able to fight drug-resistant bacteria. Read more

5 Awesome Benefits of Cleansing Your Body of Heavy Metal Toxins

A Toxic World = A Toxic You
Living in today’s modern world also means living in a world saturated in toxins. Keeping this in mind, it’s definitely a good idea to regularly cleanse, detoxify, and free your body from the toxins and heavy metals that burden it. After all, heavy metals and toxins surround us – from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the pesticides on produce, and the toxins in processed foods. Heavy metal toxins are like poisonous invaders that burden our bodies and prevent them from being the lean, healthy, disease-fighting and cell-regenerating machines they are intended to be.

Cleansing your body of heavy metals is like hitting a reset button for your body. It will help to increase your energy levels, balance your hormones, improve digestion, give your adrenals a much needed break, help break cravings, and make you feel joyous all over, not to mention you’ll have beautiful glowing skin.

This article could change your life. Read on to learn more. Read more