Palpitations and the vagus nerve

Fascinating how the central nervous system can create such reactions in the body. During my research I came across tens of thousands of people the world over that have issues that are likely related to the vagus nerve but have been misdiagnosed by mainstream medicine. Their solution was to control the symptoms with harmful addictive drugs which caused even more serious issues and mass dependance.

Nerve Regeneration Treatment – Through Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats

Very powerful on many levels for the mind body and spirit highly recommended for creating a heightened state of relaxation.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

This  video is related to stimulating the vagus nerve so as to bring the central nervous system back into balance. When the vagus nerve is damaged or restricted it can affect many different areas of the human body.

I became interested in the vagus nerve as a result of my own personal issue that modern medicine was not able to explain.

The symptoms caused abnormal heart beats and a feeling of weakness at times and conventional medicine said that there was nothing wrong with me after multiple tests. So I decided to do my own research and the following post are all related to my research into this festinating are of the body.